emc2 was formed in 1997 with the key objective to help US technology companies become operational in Europe.  While that remains one of our core activities, our work also encompasses more general consulting and management assistance to smaller companies with European operations. Such companies invariably are either predominantly technology-focused or rely heavily and increasingly on technology to deliver their products and services.

Our Clients have benefited from our extensive technology and business operations experience in such diverse projects as:

  1. Bullet- Raising seed capital from business angel investors

  2. Bullet- Improving Sales Focus

  3. Bullet- Developing a high-quality Professional Services operation

  4. Bullet- Developing an IT Strategy

  5. Bullet- Developing a Business Strategy

  6. Bullet- Reviewing Operational units

  7. Bullet- Developing 3rd party relationships

  8. Bullet- Receivables, Payables, Payroll and other bookkeeping services via the shared-services operation of our affiliate Freeman & Partners

  9. Bullet- Creating employee option/share schemes - including government-approved EMI schemes -in conjunction with our affiliate Freeman & Partners

  10. Bullet- Advice & Assistance related to Transfer Pricing in conjunction with our affiliate Transfer Pricing Solutions Ltd

  11. Bullet- Non-executive Director Board roles

We would be pleased to discuss any of these areas (and other examples) and provide references. Please follow the Team link which also contains brief biographies of our 2 founders.